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My motto is: Let's scale impact. Because good solutions for society already exist.

There are already good solutions for many social challenges. But you first have to find them and "translate" them into your own context.


Let me help you unlock your changemaker potential by learning and applying social innovation tools and connecting with a community of like-minded people.


Define Social Entrepreneurship

Who belongs to it? And who doesn't?

In order to promote, support and work together across borders in a targeted manner, one must be able to set boundaries.


The language tool "Criteria Catalog" helps you set a specific focus.

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Public Innovation Advisory

How can we make “impact” the guiding principle of public administration?

As a trainer, lecturer and consultant, I help individuals to learn and implement impact-oriented management. Social enterprises provide great examples of how this can be done.

I help to bring the management practices into your administration - individually adapted to your needs.

 Daniel Kerber, Founder
More Than Shelters

Laura is one of the rare persons to (really) discuss hybrid social business models with. She inspired me and my organization to use a new business and impact model template. As well she came up with incredible storylines to promote our impact case much better.

Community of Practice: Impact-Oriented Public Management

Why do it alone when it's much more fun together?!


The community consists of people in the public service, meets digitally approximately every two months and exchanges information on tools and best practices.


Together with three other co-founders, I lead the community and conduct interviews for best practice examples.

Wirkungsvolle Verwaltung Community

thank you.

Updates, when there is something new to share. This is not a regular newsletter.


I have been supporting social enterprises for over ten years. I am particularly interested in the question of how we can succeed in scaling effective ideas.


And this is where social entrepreneurship meets the state .

Because what was perhaps invented "outside" can help us to do government work even better. More impact for citizens.


I have been working on the government of tomorrow since 2018, first as a consultant to the public sector, then as a speaker in Berlin's state administration. The projects are diverse, from impact-oriented budgets to the development of control instruments and new funding programs.


The most important thing for me is building bridges between social enterprises on the one hand and the public sector on the other. That's why I'm not just a consultant, but often also an interpreter between both worlds.

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